June 4, 2005
My Metro
I got a job in the Malaysian sex trade industry! Well not really in the industry, we are more like a peripheral of the industry, i.e. a Fortune 500 company. Anyway the people I work with are ok, besides the fact that every female that works there is completely 100% unfuckable.
In my department, I work closely with a few people. They are all young white males, except for all those blacks, and old people.
One of my co-workers has caught my fancy. He is a metrosexual! Now I have read about these people in books and stuff, but I have never really been forced into close contact with one. So needless to say, I am learning a lot. When you work with someone you have to be around them for like 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, lets see that is like a million hours a month! Not to mention all that "quality time" you spend synergizing in the company's bathroom stalls. I guess what I am trying to say is, that you get to know your co-workers well.
So far my metro has done some really metroie (its a word) things.
Like showing up to work everyday with fancy clothes. If that was not an offense enough to decency, they appear to be clean and meticulously ironed. He did not participate in the first causal Friday, and was ridiculed. Now he does participate but he looks uncomfortable and fidgety, like a girl being fucked in the ass for the first time.